Dreamshall Artificial Intelligence How Artificial Intelligence Already Touches our Daily Lives

How Artificial Intelligence Already Touches our Daily Lives

Sure, it could be said that sophisticated AI robots with human features sensationalize where we currently stand in our present-day AI technologies. After all, the vast majority of AI programming is not utilized in robots like Sophia, who debuted in 2016 as the world’s most lifelike AI robot. Most of this technology is used for practical applications, with its use growing more and more common even in areas such as the medical field. While the world has sensationalized its first robot citizen, we find that AI’s contribution to our lives is already quite sensational. Possibly in the future, we could even have AI that could perform civil ceremonies.

Each day, we are surrounded by functioning artificial intelligence. While it may not be as grand-seeming as the AI of sci-fi films, it’s still pretty incredible to think about how far humankind has developed its technological capabilities. Things unheard of a mere twenty years ago are now commonplace today.

How does AI already have a role to play in an ordinary person’s daily life? Read on to find out.

Personal Assisting

Isn’t it great how Alexa, Cortana and Siri can help us keep track of our lives? Virtual personal assistants can crawl through the relevant data on the apps in your phone, computer or other smart device to perform a wide array of functions. From locating restaurants and other places of interest to keeping track of our hectic schedules, virtual Pas are here to stay.

Video Games

AI has been present since the very first videogames, and it has rapidly grown more and more sophisticated as time goes on. Now, AI combatants and allies in games may respond to stimuli, react in unpredictable ways, and overall provide a more genuine gaming experience than ever before.

Anti-Fraud Technology

Have you ever received an email or text alert regarding suspicious purchases made with your credit card? AI algorithms are trained to detect a wide variety of “safe” and “unsafe” purchase transactions and will act appropriately when confronted with an unsafe purchase detected in your bank account.

Social Media

Many businesses rely on social media outlets to reach out to a substantial amount of their current and prospective customers. If you’ve ever seen a company respond to a complaint or question about their product or service on Facebook, there’s a good chance that the operation behind that exchange was due to an AI bot.

As artificial intelligence becomes more and more advanced, we can reasonably expect to have an even closer relationship to AI algorithms than ever before.