Dreamshall Default Overview Of Artificial Intelligence In CBD Manufacturing

Overview Of Artificial Intelligence In CBD Manufacturing

The use of CBD has become very popular over the last few years. Part of this increase has to do with the legalization of marijuana-based products in many different states. Artificial intelligence has been talked about for decades, a way of mimicking the activities of what a human being would choose to do. AI is more of a myth than it is a stable part of our society, but both artificial intelligence and CBD Oil Manufacturing companies seem to be coming together especially when it comes to CBD capsules. Here is an overview of how AI and CBD are joining forces with regard to production, manufacturing, and marketing.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

The most obvious example of artificial intelligence in our popular culture is Hal 9000 from the movie 2001: a space Odyssey. It is a computer program, one that seems to interact in a similar manner to a human being with the occupants of the ship. Today, artificial intelligence is on the verge of becoming more commonplace. As computers are becoming faster, able to process information at speeds comparable to the human brain, it is possible that we may have AI in our homes, cars, and in businesses all across the world. A precursor to this technology can be seen in the manufacturing sector, especially with companies like Amazon that have robots that are now doing the work of human beings when preparing packages. In the CBD community, there was recently a gathering where AI was responsible for producing the music that people would hear while they were discussing cannabidiol. However, are these two things compatible, or was it just a gimmick to pursue more sales for their product?

Understanding CBD

CBD is a substance found in the cannabis plant that is very different from THC. Although it does have the same medicinal qualities, it does not have the effect of euphoria when smoking or ingesting it. It has been shown to have the ability to help people with seizures, and has even been instrumental in reducing the size of tumours. Effectively, it is a new age type of all natural medication that is becoming more common, with people using it to combat conditions like depression or anxiety. When combining this with artificial intelligence, especially in a lounge like atmosphere, you can see how both of these will work well together. People will come to these places in order to experience the benefits of CBD, all the while being pampered by artificial intelligence systems. It could be a fad, or it could be representative of a wave of the future that will become commonplace for those that are younger.

Other Ways AI Can Be Used With CBD

Entrepreneurial individuals are trying to find more ways of incorporating AI into the sale of CBD. For the most part, artificial intelligence is used as a way of selling this product, not so much in the aspect of manufacturing. There are currently 33 states that allow the use of CBD for medicinal purposes, as well as 10 that allow it for recreational use. Many of the businesses that supply the cannabidiol are doing so with the help of AI related systems. In regard to selling these products, AI has become very commonplace. Chat bots are set up to improve customer service relations and offer employee training. They can also be used to find leads, train employees, and deliver a much better post sale experience. In fact, it is possible to use these advanced computer programs to produce a sales forecast. In these ways, and many more, AI is being integrated into the production and sale of cannabis related products, especially in the CBD marketplace.

How far will this go?

It is unlikely that the use of artificial intelligence will completely replace the human activities that are necessary for the harvesting and processing of CBD related products. However, you never know. As advancements in robotics and technology continue to increase, there could be a day when every CBD product will be produced by a computer program that displays artificial intelligence. If robotics are ever integrated into this industry, those that are creating and processing marijuana based products may become a thing of the past. It would certainly help the company save money by employing AI instead of actual human beings that may need to have overtime pay or benefits.

The Drawbacks Of AI And CBD

No assessment of the correlation between AI and CBD would be complete without listing some drawbacks. There are no products or services that do not have inherent flaws. First of all, when people purchase CBD products, most of them like to interact with human beings that can answer their questions. Although this does not apply to online orders, people have become conditioned to go to shops where human beings will be there to help them. Another drawback is the understanding of how far artificial intelligence will play a role in the production of CBD related products. Perhaps not in the harvesting, but in the preparation and production of edibles is where you will see more AI interaction. There are machines today that are able to produce many of the food products that we consume. Therefore, it stands to reason that AI may soon become part of the processing of CBD products for businesses that want more consistency and higher levels of production.

The Benefits Of CBD And AI Working Together

There is one primary benefit of connecting AI with CBD production and sales. It has to do with speed. When the auto industry first started, most of the process of creating a vehicle was done by people. Today, manufacturing lines that produce vehicles are almost completely automated, and the same may be true for those in the CBD industry. The benefit is that it will streamline the process, and make the production of CBD products much better in regard to speed and accuracy.

Combining AI with the sale of CBD products is just starting. For the most part, people are receptive. Part of that reason has to do with the limited capabilities of artificial intelligence. There will likely be many companies that will test new ideas out, and eventually someone will come out with a system for processing cannabidiol using nothing more than a team of AI robots. Until that day, it is simply interesting to watch how artificial intelligence is gradually moving into our society, and how CBD may become part of that process.